Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Privately Public

I just saw on the news that a group of women are protesting against Facebook. It would seem they are upset that Facebook removed their photographs. The pictures were of them breastfeeding their children. Facebook has a nudity policy and they removed them in accordance with that policy.
The news spoke with one lady whose contention is that breastfeeding a baby is just that and doesn't fall under the nudity clause. She also felt that breastfeeding was nothing of a sexual nature and just a natural function.
I would have to agree with her on all counts. I understand the reasoning but don't understand the need to share. I, for one, do not want to see that. It is a private thing between a mother and child. Just because we all know that  is what is done, it doesn't need to be displayed publicly. We all have other bodily functions that are one hundred percent natural and non sexual but I wouldn't want to see those publicly either !
What I think we have here is a lack of empathy. I ,for one, would not deliberately do anything to make others uncomfortable. It is a little thing called respect and caring. The proper thing to do is excuse oneself and take care of business. As far as pictures on Facebook, that  is pretty much public. A little discretion please.
This isn't the first instance of this issue making the news. There were women wanting to breastfeed at the McDonalds,the mall and other public places. Yes, I understand it is a natural thing. Had it been something we were all exposed to since birth it would not be an issue. In some European countries they have co-ed restrooms. Not a problem for them, but a problem for me !
The bottom line for me is this; show a little common sense. Feeding your child is an essential thing. It is not necessary to do it in a public forum. I would have to question the reasoning behind photographing this event. For what purpose ? Seems a little creepy to me.


  1. I totally agree! I breastfed all my babies and when the need arose to do it in a public place (like the zoo when we were there with the older children) I found a secluded spot on a bench and covered up with a blanket. I see no reason to be exhibitionist about it all! And as you say, to make other people uncomfortable. Natural and great but still - a little discretion is called for!

  2. Agreed, I created lightweight, but opaque, 'tents' for my babies when I fed them in public. No one could 'see', even if the 'knew' that I was feeding my child.
    I am of the opinion that these 'public displays' are more to make a statement.

  3. I also agree. I tried to be discrete about feeding my children. I used blankets to cover up and tried to feed them in the car prior to going into the mall or somewhere public. Sometimes it wasn't feasible to feed them in the car and I would try to make sure I was in a private area (a dressing room or such) as opposed to sitting in the middle of the mall. I do think breastfeeding is natural and normal but I think modesty needs to be used as well.
