Tuesday, February 28, 2012


Ran across a small article online. I hadn't heard about this on the evening news. Not sure why that is, unless they were trying to keep it a little quiet. Although I can think of no reason why not. Whatever the case this story caught my attention. The city of Baltimore has begun a new federally mandated program for tracking illegal immigrants. Anyone arrested will be fingerprinted and those prints passed to the FBI. The FBI in turn will share those fingerprints with the Immigration and Customs Service. In that manner the ICE can track illegals and deport them for crimes committed.
One group here in Maryland " Casa de Maryland " is all up in arms. They are claiming they will be profiled and arrested for minor crimes. They fear they will be deported for these crimes. They say they have been trying to foster a positive relationship with the Police department. This policy is a determent to that effort.
My reaction is short and simple. If you are in my country legally, and have the papers to prove it, you have nothing to worry about. Don't commit any crimes and you have nothing to worry about. And " minor crimes " are just what exactly ? Crime is crime. Never heard of anyone in this country, legally, being deported for any minor crimes. Come to think of it haven't heard of any for major crimes either.
I think the thing that amazes me more about this story is that this is a new policy. I thought it would have been the duty of any agency to report the presence of any illegals to the authorities. Why is it that we have so many separate agencies and they fail to share information ? Why are these same agencies so concerned with who gets the credit ? It is all a little silly.
I am just getting real annoyed with these " immigrants " that enter our country illegally and then expect protections. I really get annoyed when they protest ! What part of illegal is it that they don't understand ? And as long as our government allows this to happen , it will continue. It will get worse. In this latest policy the poor immigrant feels uneasy. He is not comfortable being in my country. Well that's just too bad. If I sneak into your country  I wouldn't have a warm and fuzzy feeling either. Especially if I'm committing crimes !

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