Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Those People

Have you ever noticed how difficult life can be for others ? I'm not talking about those that are living with a handicap or some form of  physical disability. No these are apparently normal people in every respect, with one exception. Every task they go to perform is an effort.
I noticed this while waiting to get a cup of coffee at the local convenience store. This is a small store and only has one set of coffee pots. This person was attempting to pour a cup of coffee. First while trying to get the cup out of the dispenser a whole stack comes out. Finally managing this task the first pot he grabs doesn't have enough coffee in it. Set that one down and grab another. Now to add sugar and cream. Getting those packages open wasn't the smoothest of operations. Then to find a stir stick (right there next to the sugar pack). Putting the plastic lid on was also a major engineering feat for this individual. All this while blocking the coffee pot like a defensive tackle protecting the quarterback !
I have seen these poor souls everywhere. At the checkout counter trying to write a check. Pens don't write and the checks rips when being removed from the book. Their cards never swipe in the machine. They trip and stumble over the tiniest things. These are the same people that get home to discover they have left their groceries in the cart. (Happens all the time)
Yes for some life is a struggle. Everyday things are obstacles to these persons. There is no explanation for this phenomena either. Often times, if speaking with these folks, they are intelligent and well meaning. They are trying their very best,yet things always go awry for them. I try to be patient and understanding when I encounter them. It is not their fault. It is what life has handed them. 

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