Sunday, February 5, 2012

A Small Town Boy

Yesterday I made a very rare trip to the Dover shopping mall. The wife had a specific shop in mind for a very specific item. I think the last time I was in the mall was over the holidays. I remember it being a crowded place with people just bustling about. I remember thinking the whole time, I hate this place !
On this trip the mall wasn't nearly as busy. The concourse was fairly free and could be walked without saying " excuse me " every two seconds. All of the shop fronts were visible. It was a different experience altogether. I did find myself looking at the objects in the windows that were being offered for sale. Mostly clothing. Everything offered was so hip and modern. Six inch heels in neon colors and all matter of outlandish outfits. I guess it is what the kids wear. I noticed cell phones were offered both in shops and in booths in the center of the concourse. They seemed to be doing a brisk business. 
As I walked along and looked at all this merchandise it struck me what a materialistic society we have become. I felt like a hillbilly in Beverly hills. All the flash and glitter. Clothing that was of little practical value. I could only imagine wearing some of those outfits to single occasion events. The materials they were constructed of didn't appear to be very durable either. I couldn't help but notice how some of the younger crowd was staring at these offerings with what could only be described as; coveting the item. Covet strikes me as the only word strong enough, barring the word lust. It was an unsettling feeling.
Yesterdays trip to the mall was an eye opener for me. I have never liked the mall because I really don't like crowds or shopping. Now I can add one more reason for not going. It shows the seedy underbelly of our society. Materialistic and self centered. We are becoming so self absorbed in our own image that we are losing sight of what is really important. We are a society turning inwards. I have been seeing the signs of this for some time.
There are some things I have learned with age. One is to have comfortable shoes. For those that may remember, Earth Shoes fit the bill.
Buy clothing made of durable materials like denim,cotton or wool. Don't buy anything too trendy.
Stick with the basics ! This is very important. The basic in anything is always the best. The less there is, the lower the cost and the more durable it is.
Don't be so concerned with what is hip, it'll change !
I think I could live a minimalist type of lifestyle. Just the basics. A computer and internet access is basic you know. LOL I have seen pictures of lovely little cabins set in the woods. The people living in them living off the fruit of the land. The only problem I have with that is is this, in order to live a minimalist lifestyle one would have to have a minimum of money in the bank. I've got the minimum alright and it isn't enough ! So that isn't going to happen. 
The truth of the matter is this. I went to the mall. I didn't like what I saw. Guess I'm just a small town boy and always will be. 

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