Thursday, February 9, 2012


I keep hearing about a policy the government wants to institute requiring the Catholic church to provide birth control coverage in their health plans. This is contrary to the beliefs held by the Catholic church. The church has stated they will not comply and will just not offer health insurance coverage at all. I would have to agree with the church. The government has no place in Church policy. But for me it is a much broader issue. For me it comes down to employer rights. We always hear about the rights of the workers. What about the employer ? Call me crazy but I think they have rights as well. In a nutshell I feel this way, if you are the one signing my paycheck you have the right to expect and or demand certain things. As long as these demands and expectations are clearly spelled out beforehand I see no problem. If I do not like the terms and conditions of employment I do not have to accept the position ! 
Yes, there are abuses. Unions were formed to address those issues. Great gains were made. In the beginning it was necessary and to a certain degree it still is. Akin to locks I would say. Only there to keep honest people honest ! 
Now the government wants to force a religious group to fund actions contrary to their faith ! Didn't this same government rule we could not make women of the Muslim faith remove their headgear ? Their reasoning, it would violate their religious freedom. Why does this not apply to the Catholic church as well ? I heard a few protesters saying their daughters worked for the Catholic church and needed this coverage. They were concerned without the coverage to buy birth control pills they would get pregnant. I know a no cost solution to that problem ! Abstinence. Works every time and is 100% effective. Also effective against SDS.
Sounds like a win/win situation to me.
It all sounds to me like another case of, let's not hold people responsible for their actions. Instead we will fund their mistakes. The government was not formed to provide relief to those that are irresponsible in their behaviors. Nor is it the place of the government to force employers to provide what I would consider unnecessary services. An employer should be compelled to provide a safe,healthy and prejudice free workplace. Reasonable hours and a reasonable wage. Access to basic health coverage is a plus. That is pretty much the limit of the employers responsibilities.
Now the government is playing the role of bully. Either you comply or we remove funding. In this case tax exempt status. The church has little option other than to offer no coverage at all. Make all positions part time and avoid the expense altogether. The ones protesting,demanding this coverage are only hurting themselves. If I were working for the church isn't it reasonable to assume I should comply with their doctrine ? Should I chose not to that is a personal choice. It does not mean I should force them to fund my actions.
Bottom line, if you are not happy with your employer or the health plans they offer, leave ! Simple as that.

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