Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Sleep Drunk

The last few days have been hot and humid. It is an early start on what should prove to be a long, hot ,summer. Everyone is talking and complaining about it.I remember wishing for this heat not too long ago. I'll take the heat anytime, over bitter cold. The cold will keep me inside but the heat will not. I may seek shade, but I'll go out. In winter ,with the bitter cold,I seek warmth and that can only be found inside.
I like hearing the many descriptions of the conditions. It's close out there ! Boy,is it muggy. The air is thick today. Whew,some humid today. It's sticky. It's hazy. It's hot. It's mighty still. The air is dry.The air is parched. It's a scorcher. Ain't fit for man nor beast. And a slew of others.
The weather is a condition we all share. A common ground for conversation. We are not really complaining,just making conversation. It is summer(almost) and I expect it to be hot and humid. That is the natural order of things. I can only hope the weather doesn't spawn destructive storms like the ones we have already seen in the mid-west. Afternoon thunderstorms are to be expected.
When I was young our home,like most others,did not have air conditioning. We didn't have central air or window units. Fans were the order of the day. In the evening, after having gone to bed, I would often just lie there wide awake;the covers thrown back and sprawled out trying to catch a breeze of any kind.  A light sweat would form over your body and just make things miserable. I can remember just saying out load, Boy,is it muggy ! My sister across the hall would respond and we would get to laughing. Both of us,wide awake but tired. Unable to get to sleep because of the conditions, we would get sleep drunk. Every phrase we said was a reason for laughter. You know what I mean ? Just like little kids get so silly when they are tired. This laughter could go on for an hour or more. Mom and Dad would be hollering, you guys be quiet. which of course led to more laughter. Some nights we would get up and go outside. We would just sit on the porch steps and talk. Or you might just listen to the tree frogs and katie-dids.
Some of my fondest memories are nights like those. We sat and laughed and complained about the weather. We had fun. We didn't know we were having fun but we did. Eventualy we would go back to bed. It wasn't any cooler or less uncomfortable but we had laughes ourselves silly. So finaly exhausted,we could sleep. Ah,those were good days.

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