Saturday, June 11, 2011

If it ain't broke.

I'm sitting here this morning trying to resolve computer issues. I am the kind of person that likes to do it myself. If you want something done right ,do it yourself. That has been my motto. I must say I have been fairly successful in most things. Computers,not so much. I can read manuals alright and find useful information on the Internet. There are numerous wizards out there. Problem is, figuring out just what it is they are talking about. I need an interpreter !
My brother was kind enough to give me his "old" computer. He just purchased a new one and had no use for his old one. Nice of him to think about me. This computer is running Windows 7,the latest thing,and mine is still running Windows XP. I thought an upgrade couldn't hurt. Especially when it was free.
Shouldn't be a problem to switch, right ? Wrong. The first article I read about transferring files and programs from one computer to another says to use a serial cable. After doing that research,to determine just what a serial cable is, I'm off to Radio Shack. Twenty three dollars later I have a cable. Before opening this package ( past experience in play here) I do further reading on using this serial cable. Half way through the instructions it says, insert the Windows CD. What the heck is that ? Oh,don't have that. Reading further along, the article says you can also use a "Easy Transfer Cable." Checking the Radio Shack website I find they sell them (at participating outlets) and the price is about the same as the cable. Feeling pretty good about not having opened the package,I'm off to Radio Shack. This store doesn't have the Easy Transfer Cable. The clerk,a young man, says to just buy a "flash drive " copy everything to it and transfer it to the new computer. The drive thingy is one dollar less than I paid for the cable. I'm a genius ! Get home and discover the flash drive will not hold all the information from one file,so it copied part of it. Which part and where it left off I have yet to figure out. Well I'll get to that later.
I need to establish my Internet connection. I have been using a wireless adapter on my computer and it has performed great. Should just take a minute or two. You just plug this thing into the USB port and a few clicks later, bang,you're connected. Wrong, the device driver is not correct. Well,I know how to fix that. Off to the manufacturers website for a free download of the required driver software. My new flash drive thing can handle that information,no problem. We are back on track. Derailed,the computer doesn't detect the new driver. Still working on that issue.
I'm thinking my old reliable computer might be all I need after all. If it ain't broke,don't fix it,that's what I always say. The old way is the best way. New stuff is alright but if you are comfortable with the old and it gets the job done,why change. I could just use that new computer for storage and backup. It would be safe from viruses if was not connected to the Internet. Yup,that's the ticket.
Now,just how do you get the stuff to automatically back up to the other computer ? Probably going to need that serial cable.

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