Thursday, June 16, 2011


We are having a ten for ten sale. Ten items for ten dollars,mix and match. The sale is doing really well. I am amused as the saving is not that significant. You are only saving a couple cents on the item.
As I'm sure you have heard,it was F.W.Woolworth  who is credited with pricing things at .99 cents. He was competing with a store across the street. The ploy worked well and business was booming. Everyone else followed suit. Now most everything ends with .99 cents. Or the famous line, it is under a dollar !
Some items that were .99 cents are included in the ten for ten. So actually you are paying one cent more. F.W. would be proud. Most people buy the ten items, although you do not have too. These marketing people are something else. The old snake oil salesmen are still at it ! Another favorite "trick " of mine is when they put an item in the advertisement flyer for its' normal price. It doesn't say it is on sale, but people assume it is. Brings to mind one of my favorite sayings about the word assume; it makes an ass out of u and me.
Call me a skeptic but I take these claims with a grain. Bottom line is people are in business to make money. They are not giving away anything or selling below cost. You get what you pay for, sometimes. I am amazed by what people will buy. Ten bottles of hot sauce ? Do you really use that much ?
Of course, I have never figured out the theory behind,if I buy it on sale I'm saving money, even if I don't need the item in question. A certain gender is noted for this behaviour.Just an observation I've made and a general statement.
Ten cans of pringles for only ten bucks. What a deal, better stock up now.
If I had it my way the price would be displayed including tax. So,in Maryland the tax is 6%, a dollar bag of chips is $1.06. I like that idea, as it is easier to keep track. Snack foods and soda are taxable, unless you are on welfare. " Just sayin' ! " It is one of my pet peeves.
Yes,I would say the sale gambit works well. Make people believe they are getting something cheap and they will jump on it. It is not so likely to work with me. I only buy stuff I want. I go to the store for a specific purpose. I do not like browsing and don't understand the concept. Why walk and look for hours at stuff I don't want or need ? I just don't get it. Of course, tools now, one does need to browse them all the time as you never know what new tool might be available. Might even be on sale ! A special promotional offer to entice you to try this tool. Makes sense too, tools are useful items unlike handbags or makeup or new shoes.
Well, I'm off to restock the ten for ten items. They're going fast. Best for you to enjoy these savings while they are here. See you at the store.

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