Monday, June 13, 2011

Just sayin'

Here we go again. Senator Weiner is seeking professional help ! I suppose he needs sexting therapy. I'm sure there is some college professor somewhere that claims to an expert in that field. Tiger Woods found his sex therapist and is apparently completely cured. He can't play golf as good as he used to, but his infidelity problem seems to be cured. Oh,that 's right, he is divorced now so that takes care of that issue. Maybe someone just needs to take the phone away from the Senator.
I was pleased to hear the Democratic leadership is calling for his resignation. He had asked for a leave of absence to pursue therapy. At least some are getting a sense of reality. I do wonder if it because one of those leaders is a woman. If was just the " boys " would the attitude be the same ? I would certainly hope so.
I know that Senators and Congressmen are just people like you and I. So are sports stars and movie stars. We all have our shortcomings. We all do and say things that we know we shouldn't. We all eat of the forbidden fruit. Equally,we should all have to suffer the consequences of our actions. I get real annoyed with this therapy stuff. Like that is going to make it alright. Yeah,I did that but I'm seeking therapy. Oh, ok then. If you are seeking therapy then you already know whatever it is you are doing is wrong ! Problem is, you got caught. Apologize to those you have hurt, quit doing whatever it is and ask for forgiveness.
I am not trying to minimize legitimate issues. People do develop compulsive behaviours and need help. A therapist can provide help. Thing to me is a therapist is there to provide help,not an excuse. Just because you see a therapist does not excuse your behaviour. Deal with it,Senator !
I think one of the major problems we have as a society today is accountability. People are not being held accountable for their actions. Look at the criminal justice system. Is justice being served ? In too many cases I think not. Way too many times second and third chances are given. You commit a crime,get sentenced to prison, then get paroled for good behaviour ? Doesn't make sense to me. School teachers are not even allowed to discipline their students. I'm not talking about corporal punishment,I'm talking about simply holding a student accountable. Sure he/she didn't do their assignment but we have a excuse. Was a time when the excuse had best be a death in the family or natural disaster. Now. I didn't feel the need , is excuse enough. I need homework therapy.
If he wasn't a Senator I'm sure we would never have heard about this. This behaviour happens every day. It is just a sign of the times and new technology. I'm thinking cavemen probably drew lewd pictures. I do wish the News people would just state the facts, and move on. The Senator will be fine. He can always do the talk show circuit and write a book.

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