Thursday, June 30, 2011

John of God

My wife had Oprah on yesterday and she was talking about John of God. If you haven't heard of him,I hadn't,he is a doctor in Brazil that does amazing surgical procedures. He uses no anateshia and doesn't sterilize his equipment. His patients not only survive but don't get infections. He has a tremendous cure rate,for the incurable. It can only be described as miraculous. He doesn't charge any fees because he believes it is a gift from God and not his to charge for.
Oprah did have three guests on that had all been to him. Two were cured and the third was not. The third lady has cancer. All had nothing but kind things to say about this man. They did discuss faith and science. For almost everything he does, there is no scientific explanation for it. One can only draw the conclusion that God is at work here. The scientific community would not agree with that conclusion, I'm sure, but I see no other alternative. These people have not trained and studied meditation techniques like those people that walk on hot coals. The Indian mystics can do amazing things I won't deny that, but they do study for years. The people that go to this John of God do so on blind faith alone. They are desperate people seeking a cure.
As for me,I'm sitting on the fence on this one. I really haven't formed a complete opinion on him. There is a part of me that is very skeptical. If something is too good to be true,well you finish that sentence. He doesn't charge anything directly but donations are being taken to keep the thing running. It remains to be seen if his intentions are pure or not. Too many times it turns out otherwise. I am a bit of a pessimist when it comes to these things.
I do believe miracles happen every day. I do believe God may choose to work through people. I also believe in the power of the human mind. We are capable of tremendous things, including self healing.
He is not the first,nor will he be the last. I just hope that he doesn't hurt anyone or turn out to be a charlatan. Would I seek his help if necessary ? At this point I would have to say no. Then again, I'm not desperate for a cure.
It truly is a matter of faith. Either faith in his healing powers, or faith in God. Or is it a combination of both ? A number of cliches come to mind. The one jumping out at me now is, any port in a storm. I'm thinking that is the primary motivator from people seeking this mans help. He doesn't tell anyone that he can't help and that they are terminal. That is what I would want to hear if I were any one of the people seeking him." I'm just sayin".

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