Monday, June 20, 2011

The truth is

During Operation Desert Shield/Desert Storm I was stationed aboard the USS Nitro AE-23. This ship was an ammunition ship. Our primary mission was to deliver ammo to the fleet. We could also transfer fuel across to other ships.
We were to go to Diego Gracia,a small island that is a supply point,and pick up ammo and return to the gulf. In order to do this we had to pass through the Straits of Hormuz. The straits are quite narrow and the enemy had scud missile bases along its' border. Our ship by its' very nature and design has little armorment and very little firepower. The ship was an old one and our main battery was two fifty caliber machine guns. We were told not to worry though, a destroyer would accompany us on this mission.
 We left in early evening to take advantage of the darkness. Lights out,darken ship as is the command.
I worked in the engine room, deep in the bowels of the ship. I could hear messages being sent between sentries but that was all. We were running along at 1/3 ahead,slipping through the straits. It was an anxious time as you didn't know if the enemy was going to lauch a missile at you or not. It was a comfort knowing that destroyer was right behind us,watching our back so to speak.
That destroyer had all kinds of radar and offensive fire power. They could detect a launch and counter it quickly. They could fire a missile to intercept the other missile. Fire Control Radar they call it. Amazing stuff. ID the target, lock on, guide the missile and strike ! Bam that stuff is great.
Well,we made it through the Straits alright. Once we hit open waters again it was full speed ahead to Diego Gracia. This Island is owned by the British. Being our allies, we of course use it as a point of resupply. There isn't much on this island but of course there is an enlisted mans club. A bar if you will.
Those of us that were granted permission headed on over to the club. Naturally, we met up with some of the crew from that destroyer. We walked over and shaking hands thanked them for watching our back. We told them how the only thing we had to defend ourselves with was those two fifty caliber guns. The boys laughed and said, that's about all we have too ! Our fire control radar is inoperable,that's why we came here. To get it repaired.
I remember thinking, what ? Stupid Navy ! They didn't tell us the rest of the story. A destroyer was accompaning us alright. One whose fire control radar was inoperable.
We loaded up and headed back to the Gulf. No destroyer escort on the way back. We transited the straits without incident. We made several more trips to Diego Gracia with and without escort. Thankfully, we always made it through without being fired upon.

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