Friday, June 24, 2011


I've always enjoyed doing little projects. Sometimes,not so little either. I have a tendency to get carried away on occasion. Well in the last few days,while the kids were away at camp, my wife and I did a little project. It got a little out of hand perhaps, but it was fun.
We started out to build a small platform to go at the base of the ladder leading into the swimming pool. The kids,being kids,are always tracking in grass clippings and dirt into the pool. We thought perhaps by placing a small platform to wipe your feet on it would cut down on some of this. We had a design in mind so off to the lumber yard. Not having made a detailed drawing I made sure to buy enough material. Got a little carried away there.
After this platform was complete I did have left over materials. Then an idea struck me ! It would be cool to build a life guard stand. I remembered seeing them at the beach when I was growing up. There were only at the Ocean. I thought they were pretty cool then and thought the kids would get a kick out of it too. My daughter in law likes yard decorations so I figured she wouldn't mind. With the kids off in camp it was the perfect time to build and keep it as a surprise. I love surprises !
Well,I would need to go back to the lumber yard for just a few more boards.
Construction began. It was a design as you go affair. Just using my memory of what they looked like I cut pieces and tacked them together. When I was satisfied with the look I fastened the pieces together permanently. My wife helped with the design and painting. Then I decided a few accessories were in order. Told you I can get carried away. So, I went to the store and bought a life ring. Then using some leftover material I made a lifeguard on duty sign. I was headed to the store for mounting brackets for an umbrella when my wife finally reigned me in a bit. Thanks Dear.
I left work a little early yesterday and together we sneaked the stand and platform over to my sons house. We placed the items next to the pool. When my son got home from work he saw them. He thought they were pretty neat and thanked us. Then my wife says, put a picture on facebook. Maria,that's my sons' wife, won't be on there ,she is headed home from work by now. I posted a picture and within' minutes; bam, it's Maria ! The comments says, " Hey,that's my house." Opps, our plan has been foiled. Didn't think she would be checking her phone before driving home. Well,she was surprised anyway. After she got home she called to thank us.
I love doing projects ! What's next ? It'll be a surprise.

1 comment:

  1. Nice job on the stand! They have them at the bay beaches too now...
