Sunday, December 12, 2010

Self Service

I have seen these self service checkouts for some time. The idea didn't strike my fancy at all and I have resisted using them. Today I was in a bit of a hurry and decided to give it a try. I read the directions and away I went. First scan the item. Where is that bar code ? Found it but it didn't want to scan. After several passes and adjusting the angle it finaly rang up,more like a chime though. Select method of payment. Alright thats' easy,cash. Insert the bills into the acceptor. It accepts the first one but not the next. Rats have to try another bill that isn't as wrinkled or someone hasn't written on. Standing there trying to get this machine to accept my legal tender while others are waiting is starting to stress me out. I'm getting dirty looks from people standing there with their credit cards at the ready. I ask the attendant,I guess that is what their title is,for help but she just answers ," only if the machine malfunctions". At last I get the machine to accept my money and it dispenses my change down a little chute and a voice says place your item in a bag and take your reciept.
The whole experience left a bad taste in my mouth. I knew that it would that is why I resisted all this time.
The store was so huge it took ten minutes to locate the aisle where my item was. Another five picking out the right thing. No sales people in sight to assist. And to top the experience off I had to check myself out ! The only store personel I saw where the unhelpful attendant and the one checking my parcel at the exit.
I miss the days of real service at the store. When someone would ask if you needed help and be happy to help you.When you checked out they bagged your items,took your money,and thanked you.
Self service check out indeed. What is next, get it from the warehouse yourself I just want your money but I don't want to be bothered so do that yourself too. I'll just check to make sure you are not a thief as you leave.

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