Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Back to Basics

It is me or is it getting harder to buy the basic anything? Coffee for instance,morning blend,breakfast blend,coarse grind,with chicory,arabica,mountain grown and on and on. Don't even get me started with the Latte thingys. Whatever they are !
Water is getting the same way,spring water,filtered water,flavored water,sparkling water and a host of others. It is enough to drive a person mad. I just want a simple cup of coffee please ! The variety of almost anything you can buy is endless. It is getting to the point where you need a PHD to decide about the products. Want to purchase a new TV ? Be prepared  with a degree in electronics. LCD or Plasma ?
What resolution did you want. Do you need a HDMI port ? HD or not ?
The other day my wife asked for barbecue flavored potato chips. I went to the store and discovered there are several types.Kansas City,New Orleans and Carolina barbecue. Good thing I have a cell phone. I won't even mention the variety of flavors and types of chips staring at me. Kettle cooked, thin sliced,thick sliced.rippled,traditional and a few others.
I must be getting old because I find this annoying. I just want the basic things and all these choices are confusing. Its' a plot to keep us shopping longer. Everything says it is new and improved. Well,some things were fine just the way they were. A plain cup of coffee and a good hard roll are just fine. I don't like to provide a detailed description of every thing I want. Lets' get back to basics. Its' all getting to technical for me. Too many details.

1 comment:

  1. Very, very true. It always makes me feel that I'm getting way too old...
