Wednesday, December 15, 2010


I usually write these blogs of mine first thing in the morning. I like to have my morning coffee and be alone with my thoughts. Sometimes I'll write about what happened the day before or sometime meaningless( random thought) and what I'm thinking about memory wise. This morning the Grandkids are here with me as they had to spend the night due to other family issues. Their other Grandfather is ill and in the hospital so Mom and Dad were there late last night. At any rate the morning routine is well not routine. Cartoons are on the television and they are asking questions and generally being kids. My thought process has been disturbed and I can't seem to get on track with what I want to talk about.
I'm not complaining as there is nothing better than having kids around,especially at this time of year. They are so full of excitement about upcoming school parties and the arrival of the "big man." The older of the two I don't think really believes in Santa anymore but is not taking any chances. I can still employ the old,you better be good Santa is watching line !
I do think it must have been nice when several generations all shared the same home. Like the Waltons. Grandparents need the Grandchildren to keep them young. Parents need their parents around to temper their decisions with wisdom and as a wise man once said,"it takes a village to raise a child." At least it is something close to that.
Well time to rearrange the morning schedule and get going. I feel disheveled somehow. We all get into our ruts and it is good to be lifted out of them every once in a while.

1 comment:

  1. All very true. But somehow it seems harder and harder to climb out of those ruts the older we get...
