Friday, December 10, 2010

All about Chia

With the arrival of the holiday season comes all the ads for new products. The usual assortment of toys,tvs' and high tech gadgets. Also however the arrival of the latest Chia Pet ! The jingle caught my attention " cha cha cha chia" and set me to thinking. When was the first Chia pet and exactly what is it anyway ? Off to wikipedia for some answers.
First off a Chia pet is a Mexican styled terracotta figurine. The Chia is a plant (salvia hispanica),who knew.
They were introduced in 1982 but it somehow seems like they have been around forever. I don't recall ever growing one though. I have a Obama head still in the box. Think I'll save that for awhile. I did grow the Chia herb garden once and it did work. Fooling with the herbs wasn't really my thing so it was just a novelty.
I did find out while researching this that for a limited time Chia Cuddlies were produced. These were plush toys that played the jingle when you squeezed the paw. There was a puppy and a cub. I also found that various items were included in different chias. An alarm clock and playing cards are two examples.
This year you can get chia cat grass. Grow this and your cat will eat it instead of your houseplants. I have a cat and haven't noticed this being a problem but you never know I guess.
Anyway I'll have to start looking around for some Chias. They also made a Washington and Lincoln chia head and would like to have them to keep President Obama company in the attic. Think I may have missed out on another retirement opportunity. If I had only thought to collect all the chias. Some are discontinued.
The first one was a Ram so if you see that one,grab it up.

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