Thursday, December 9, 2010

Christmas Past

Went with the Grandkids and got this years Tree. A douglas fir. With a few exceptions I have always had a live tree and still much prefer that. The smell of a fresh cut tree and its' lack of a perfect shape both appeal to me. I don't feel bad because the tree was already cut and grown just for this purpose.
Following the ritual of getting it home,the base trimmed and mounted in its' stand the lights go on. I like the larger size lights (c7 for those in the know). That is what size was on my trees as a child. I also like the bubble lights,another nod to the past. Then the ornaments come out. Every year they are carefully unwrapped and admired. I love this one and I don't remember this one. A big conversation accompanies this process. This year is different however. This year the kids are making all the ornaments. They are making a paper chain and stringing popcorn. Waiting on the other ornaments to be created yet. There is no hurry and it gives them something to look forward to. Oh a few of our special ornaments will go on as well. But only those that were hand made. There is a star made with string and toothpicks from an old Navy friend. Lost track of him years ago but his ornament goes on every year. My wife crochets little stockings.
Spread around the house are Christmas nick knacks. Some we have had since our first year together and others added over the years. In 1996 my wife gave me the Christmas mouse. A stuffed creature dressed in a vest of red with green trousers. Love that one. Some candle holders and statues of the Ghosts of Christmas.
Oh,and of course the Nativity scene. That gets its own special place.
In the evening I will turn off the television and the computer. All the lights go off except for the Christmas tree. I like to just sit and admire the beauty of that tree. My mom always said."listen to the Christmas tree.'

When I was younger I didn't know what that meant. I know now what it is she was saying. If you sit quietly and listen you can hear the laughter of your childhood and feel that joy again. It is a comfort .

1 comment:

  1. Listening to the Christmas tree! What a lovely thought! Your mother was a wise woman. I'm going to remeber that one.
