Monday, December 13, 2010


I've heard it said that you can never go home. At different times in my life this meant different things to me.
I have come to the realization that this statement is true on several levels. You can not return to the past.
I left my home when I was eighteen to join the Navy. I still recall standing on that train platform giving mom a kiss goodbye and my father a firm handshake. I didn't know I was leaving forever my childhood and home behind.
After basic training I got to "come home" and some things were different. My parents didn't treat me like a kid anymore. I didn't have to ask to go somewhere or be home for dinner. I told them where I was going and when I would return out of respect but I didn't have too. My bedroom had been cleaned but it didn't feel like my room anymore. That was a strange sensation. Even my dog had passed away.
After four years I got out of the Navy and returned " home." Only it wasn't home anymore. I had to rent an apartment,get a job,and act like a responsible citizen. During those first four Navy years I would say I was less then responsible. Only a few of my high school buddies were around and they were all grown up. Shoot some even had children. The town still looked pretty much the same but had a different feel to it. I felt almost like an outsider.
After two years I went back into the service for personal reasons. I only returned " home" a few times after that. Once to attend my Dads funeral,and a couple times just to visit.
Ask any serviceman where "home " is and invariably he/she will tell you the place where they grew up.
That is "home." " Home "is a place that only exists in our memories if you once leave it. Talk to those that never left"home" and it becomes quite clear to you. At least that is my experience.
Even today although I haven't lived "home" in over 30 years if asked I will say East Hampton,New York is my home but I live in Greensboro,Md. I'll always be living somewhere else and even if I went to live back "home" that really wouldn't be "home".
In a previous blog I spoke of listening to the Christmas tree and that is when I go "home."

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