Wednesday, October 30, 2013

The Dragon Lady

Yesterday I wrote about seeing my life in chapters. I spoke of character development and plot. But there are also the characters in my life that I had nothing to do with other than to observe. I interacted with these characters, sure, but did I have any influence in their development ? The answer to that is a resounding, no. There were just there and not part of the main story. Casual acquaintances.
I was talking with my Mom and one such character came to mind. There are few left in my life that would know this person other than Mom. My wife and children never met her nor any of my coworkers. I'm sure there are those in my hometown that would know this lady but not around here. She was a character I will never forget. Just one of those people that leave a lasting impression. Whether that is for the good or not is subject to interpretation. I would describe her as eccentric.
I came to met this lady in the mid 1970's. I was working as an upholsterer at the time. This lady was the proprietor of a local restaurant and marina. My dad worked for her at the marina. I had heard him speak of her many times and he always referred to her as, the dragon lady. I will not mention her last name to spare anyone that may be a relative. Also I don't know if this lady is still with us or not and I wouldn't disparage the deceased. Actually I found this lady to be very nice,  if not eccentric, certainly different. It was her manner of dress and the make up she wore that gained her the title, Dragon lady.
She was not Oriental in race but seemed to favor that style in dress. She wore long dresses that appeared to be kimonos to me. They were oriental prints and made of silk or satin. She wore her hair piled up on her head but it always looked a little disheveled. She wore false eyebrows and eyelashes. Those eyelashes were glued on and sometimes not quite straight. The eyebrows were obviously not natural. Eye shadow and other make up was applied in what I can only describe as, a liberal fashion. I do recall seeing her after a sail on her boat. A slight gale had come up and it got a little choppy out there. When she stepped of the boat all that make up was running down her face like something out of a horror film. One eyelash was missing and her eyebrows were gone completely. It was quite a sight. In her defense she had just gone through a storm.
Now my father had told the dragon lady about my ability to reupholster furniture. She asked me if I would do a sofa for her. I agreed and she was to supply the material. I told her the required amount and a pick up date was arranged. As I prepared for the job I measured the amount of the material she had given me. It was about two yards less than what I needed. I got in touch with her about this problem.  She wanted to know if I could just upholster the front and sides and leave the back unfinished. I told her I could and her response was, good, it will be against the wall so no one will notice. I was amazed. Surely a women that owns, or least runs a marina and restaurant could afford to have the entire sofa covered. I remember the material well. It was a velvet. The pattern was vertical stripes in what I imagined tiger colors. Black and a sort of golden brown/yellow. Seemed to fit with the dragon lady somehow. The sofa was delivered without the back as requested.
That was the last time I saw the dragon lady as I left the area shortly afterward. I will always remember her fondly. As I said she was just one of those characters you meet in life. Another footnote in my life. I do find it somehow comforting to be able to speak about these little footnotes with someone that knows. I also find it a bit sad when there is no one to share these stories with. I met her but briefly but her memory remains. That is a good thing, don't you think ?

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