Saturday, October 5, 2013


I was thinking about meaning. What is the meaning ? I looked up the definition of meaning and it says, " the thing one intends to convey, especially in language. What the sender or source expresses. " That is the meaning of meaning. Okay, but I was thinking more about the meaning of being here in the first place. Not so much the meaning of life itself, but the meaning of me being where I am. Just why am I here ? Does there have to be a reason ? Some things happen for no reason, don't they ? Was I an accident ? Mom doesn't say so and life has taught me one thing, that doesn't happen by accident ! Well the consequences of the action may not be what was intended, so in today's' world we call that unplanned. It is no ones fault, it was unplanned. Let us be clear in our meaning. It didn't happen by accident.
I would say we all have a story to tell. Something to say and contribute to the conversation, this conversation we call life. The meaning lies in our words. What is it that we, the source or sender, wish to express ? More correctly I think our meaning is expressed in who we are. We have different meaning to different people. Our words may linger but do not always express who we are. Usually they only express the person we wish to be. To further complicate things we say different things, to different people, in different situations. The meaning may be altered.
I think we all want our lives to have meaning. I believe that is a basic human need. The difficulty lies in satisfying that need. Some do it in the accumulation of wealth. Others may write books or poetry. There are artists and philosophers. We may seek meaning in our occupations or in raising our children. This need does become stronger with age. But meaning can be elusive. By definition,  the thing one intends to convey. The question is, what are your intentions ? Are your intentions to satisfy your needs or to satisfy the needs of others ? Is it your intention to contribute positively to society in general, or just fit in ? Further still, what is the meaning of the intentions ? The motives ?
Intentions and meanings are tried directly to purity of motive. If the actions on your part are pure, the result will be positive. This is the key to meaning. The thing you intend to convey. Keep your thoughts and actions pure in spirit and your meaning will become clear. You do not need to understand that meaning, just satisfy it. Do that and your life has meaning and the thing you intend to convey will be understood.

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