Sunday, October 13, 2013


How often do we see the obstacles to progress and not the openings ? I think that is the major cause of anxiety and depression. We are looking for a way to move forward but feel blocked. We are blocked by a myriad of obstacles. Money, time and lack of support being the major factors that are impeding our progress. In most cases these obstacles are only perceived by ourselves and not evident to others. The motivational speakers address these issues. We are told to just push forward, dream your dream and be persistent. Certainly that is good advice, albeit difficult to follow for most of us. The best speakers leave that lasting impression that you can succeed despite whatever perceived obstacles block your path. You become motivated ! They direct you through the openings. The opening may be no more than a crack, but you somehow are free again.
I can not say I understand this process. I have never listened to a motivational speaker nor had any one person influence me in that way. I even question that such an ability exists. There are times when I think it is not so much the power of the speaker, but the weakness of the mind of those listening. How else to explain cult leaders and people like Hitler. No doubt they have some ability to influence, but surely it is weaker minds than mine that agree or endorse. Conviction and commitment must be instilled in people and it is a process that should take much time. I do not understand overnight conversions. How is that possible ?
I do think that motivation has to come from within. It is up to you. Perhaps a person, a book or a movie may spark that motivational fire, but it is up to you to feed the flames. You must want whatever it is for you, to satisfy a need. Wanting something is not enough, effort is required. Thoreau said it," The Price of anything is the life you exchange for it. " Very wise words.
What is the real reward we seek ? In that question lies the answers. Do we seek to appear learned and wise in front of our peers ? Is it athletic prowess ? Do we honestly desire to make a meaningful contribution, or do we just wish to receive ? Offering whatever you have without expectation of return is the ultimate goal. The quality or quantity of that offering is not what is of importance. It is the mere act of giving, contributing to society in a positive way.
An honest evaluation of your motivations will lead you forward. Understanding comes in stages. To completely grasp the context of a statement one must have experience. Experience can only be gained by trying and then failing. We learn from failure, not success. Success is the motivator. Having never tried you can have no success. Do not focus on the obstacles, focus on finding the openings. Opportunity presents itself everyday.  

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