Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Big Enough

Thomas Jefferson said, " a government big enough to give you everything you want, is a government big enough to take away all you have. " The quote may not be exact as I confess I didn't look the reference up ,so don't beat me up on that. That particular quote came to mind as I was listening to the news about the government shutdown. The primary impetus for this shutdown is about " free " stuff. First off, nothing is free. The cost is always borne by someone. In this case, the taxpayers that are being forced to buy insurance. The revenue from those that have this insurance, but are not using it at the moment, will fund those that do not have insurance at all. The thinking is that they are too poor to afford it so we ( the people ) should pay for it. Just how they are supposed to pay the deductibles is left open for speculation. Perhaps the government will " loan " these individuals the money by raising their debt ceiling. If I decide, after a review of my own fiscal status and health needs, that I do not require this coverage I will be fined ! So let me understand this correctly, should I not purchase a service  from the Government I am then fined for that. But all that aside, the real issue here is big government. It would appear to me the government is indeed beginning to take things away.
The first things the government is taking away due to the shutdown is what ? Our national parks and memorials. Seems to me they are the property of the people, not the government. The government, Congress,Senate and the executive branch are not being denied their paychecks and perks. Shouldn't that be effected first ? The government is shut down. The workers, employees of the government, are being denied their living. That ought to make enough people mad to settle for whatever the government deems best for us. A strong arm tactic if I ever saw one.
I agree with Jefferson. I believe he was onto something there. The government is getting out of hand and we the people are enabling this. We are becoming complacent and lazy. We are dependent upon the government. The government should be dependent upon us ! We are the government, those we have elected to represent us are obligated to listen to us. Should they fail to do so, they should be dismissed. This shutting down of government implies that they quit. Very well, I will elect another to take your place. Interesting is the fact that special elections must be called for by, you got it, the Politicians. Yes , the elected officials must call for and vote upon their own fate, much like they do their own salaries. Big government, you bet. Big enough to take away whatever they please. 

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