Friday, October 11, 2013


After writing yesterdays post this thought came to me. As the years go by some memories become as ghosts, they are there, but unseen. You are aware of their presence, yet unable to grasp at it. My mind is on a swivel and still unable to see. I keep searching. Memories as thin as vapor and just as transient. Is this what Alzheimer's is like ? I'm sure that I do not have that dreaded malady. My memory for everything else is just fine. It is just in this particular instance this inability nags at me. I have no explanation for it. I will not obsess about it though. I will just move on.
The way we remember things is a fascinating study. I've read several books about improving your memory but forget what they said. I was going to read them over but, you guessed it, I forgot. Seriously though, I tend to remember more if something was said to me rather than reading it. I learn verbally. I have always been aware of that. Even in school when I was taking a test I could often hear the teacher saying the answer. To learn from a book I would have to read it several times. The word association method never worked for me. I just wound up thinking about an unrelated topic. Must be my curious nature. I tend to jump from one thing to another. My curiosity is normally easily satisfied. A general explanation will suffice.
I do think that is why I have never pursued a particular field of study. My interests are too diverse. Whether that is a good thing or a bad thing is subjective. I just think of myself as a renaissance man ! My father was a man of many talents and perhaps that influence is what guides me. It is as good an explanation as any. Perhaps one day I will find that one thing that is endless in its attraction.
I have no titles before my name, nor letters after. Those things are just wrapping. I have known plenty with and a lot more without. As far as being intelligent, I haven't noticed much difference in either. Some are and some not so much. I do become amused with some peoples obsession with them. Good things to have , no doubt, but not a guarantee of intelligence. I admire their ability to have stayed  focused on one thing long enough to gain those letters. Occasionally I think of pursuing them, but quickly become distracted by something else. For me, the attainment of those credentials are more to show others than for myself. That is why they are not so important to me. I don't feel the need to have them.
Again I have become distracted from my initial subject, memory. I do wonder why certain things are remembered so vividly and in great detail, when others become a blur. I think memories become lost when they have no place to go. You must give them purpose and exercise them frequently. Tell those stories. Share the memories with others. Sharing the memory, gives that memory, new life. 

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