Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Chapters in Life

I have reached that point in my life where I begin to see it in chapters. There were the early years, school days and young adulthood. There were the middle ages too. Those days were a bit turbulent, at least for me they were. Now I'm reaching the age of enlightenment. That time in your life when you realize you don't know half as much as you think you did. A time for reflection and reconsidering of things. I'm hoping this phase lasts a good while because the next chapters are kinds scary. I just don't know what might be in store. We all know the final chapter, that is pretty much universal, it is just the last few pages leading up to that that has got me worried a bit. Had best be using this time to take inventory, getting your house in order as they say.
When we are children time seems limitless. There is always tomorrow. We tend to move from one moment to the next in rapid fire succession. When we tire, we sleep. Wherever and whenever we choose to do so and sometimes we don't even choose, it just happens. A week seems like a year and years are eons. This changes after high school or when we enter the job force, whichever occurs first. When we have to wait until the end of our shift before we can leave, time changes. Once that job becomes full time, time becomes full as well. A portion of it is no longer ours and so the remainder becomes a bit more precious. Another chapter has begun. We now try to do it all. For many of us the candle is lit on both ends. Work and play sometimes intermingled, sometimes separated, by responsibility. This period may last for years or just a brief passing phase. These chapters in our life are the building blocks for our retirement years. A time when we should be preparing and planning.
I am what you could call semi-retired. Not by choice, but by circumstance. The why of it not being of importance. It just is. I have had a lot more time for review. The reading of the book that has been my life so far. The writing of this blog, for instance, is really just a study. I can look back and turn the pages. Sometimes I find amusement, at others sorrow, but always I find what was. It is just now I can see things with a different light. I can gain a new understanding. I know I can not change the pages that have been written, but blank pages lie open before me. The story is about to take a twist. And I love a good twist in a story. Something that catches you by surprise. When you can say, "I just didn't see that coming. "
Every good story takes time to develop the plot. Character development too, is essential to the story. Good stories take us somewhere and teach us something. Each of our lives in a story. We need to live the story, not tell it. The telling of the tale is for future generations. It is these future generations that should be taken somewhere and learn something from our lives ( stories ). The trick lies in having something to say with your story. The characters have all been developed, but what of the plot ? That is what I have decided needs work, the plot. After all, the plot determines the outcome. I may not be able to define the plot, but I can certainly influence it. Something more to think about. What is your story ?

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