Saturday, October 19, 2013


Normally I write these blogs first thing in the morning. Now it is nearly four in the afternoon. I find my mind is a bit cluttered from the day and my thoughts are not quite as clear. My sister in law is here for a visit and I'm happy to have her. That does alter my routine somewhat as well. A change in the social dynamic as it where. Different considerations to be made. It does have an altering effect upon my countenance. Being on your best behavior can be taxing.
As a child I never had house guests, what you might call a sleepover. I don't know why that was but it was. I'm not sure if my parents would have allowed it, but I don't remember ever asking either. As a teenager I spent quite a few nights at my best friends house and sleeping over wasn't unusual at all. He seldom even came to my house. I went to other kids homes but they didn't come to mine. I think it was because of where I lived. On a dead end dirt road in the woods. Not much to do around there. No ball fields or playgrounds. Nothing exciting happening. Well, thinking about that we never had many guests of any kind. When I was real young my parents would have an occasional house party. Friends and relatives would come. Libations followed by dancing. Oh and kids are seen but not heard ! After several rounds of libations kids are then out of sight as well ! That's what I remember anyway. I'd say by the time I was twelve or so that stopped. Mom and Dad didn't go anywhere and no one came over either. Not sure why that was and to tell you the truth never gave it much thought. Could've been fun. My mom had six sisters and two brothers and most of them had kids. I never saw them much except for her two sisters that didn't have children.
On television I often see families gathering at the holidays and such. Never happened at my house and I wonder if it really ever does ? Maybe it is like the other things on television. Things like the family always has money but no one ever goes to work. Or the family complains about not having any money but are on vacation. My family never,ever took a vacation together ! We never even went to a restaurant together. I'm not complaining about that, just explaining about that.
And my thoughts are all jumbled up. I'm finding it difficult to make a coherent sentence. Just what am I talking about ? I'll let you all decide for yourself. I need to make a few adjustments. 

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