Friday, October 25, 2013


What are the things that stir your passions ? Politics, religion, hot button issues, or the daily news ? Those items, when mentioned, you just cannot resist making a comment on or voicing your opinion. There are a few for me. As a general rule, I have learned to temper my comments, even withhold commenting altogether in certain situations. Still, given the right circumstance and depending upon my mood, certain topics will just fire me up. Throwing caution and good common sense to the wind, my mouth opens up ! I just can't help it.
Over the years I have tried to develop a more moderate approach to these topics. I attempt to just point out the facts in situations and avoid conjecture. This is very difficult when there can only be one conclusion drawn from the facts. That is what gets the fire lit, when the other person just doesn't get it. The obvious response is not forthcoming and they present some lame brained analysis. At least that is what I see happening ! In all fairness I'm sure they feel the same way about me and my opinions. Fuel for the fire.
These issues do tend to define our character somewhat. They are not always an indication of what we actually do in everyday life, but sometimes what we wish we could do. That is why our sentences begin with, " If I had my way or I would ". With most of us these passions don't actually stir us to action. We just like to rant and rave about them. I save my anger or disagreement for the voting booth ! I will occasionally address these things in my blogs.
One thing that annoys me more than anything else is a person that is phony. One that feels compelled to support every little cause that comes along. They will rant and rave and spout forth every piece of rhetoric that is being bantered about on the subject. They continue with this until the next big cause comes along. Then they are " passionate " about that. Drives me crazy. I can be concerned about things without joining a crusade. Not everything need be fought to the death ! I can even feel like some of these causes are nothing but nonsense ! Even when there are entire campaigns being started in support. Not everything that receives support deserves it ! Remember when we thought Leisure Suits were cool ? Just sayin'.
I would say the thing I am most passionate about is being self sufficient. I do not want or expect any handouts from anyone. That one thing in itself lends me to be passionate about a number of things. Big government being the primary impediment to that goal. Not much I can do about that except vote. Now I'm not running off to live on a mountain somewhere and forage off the land, but I do think a person needs to depend upon themselves first. Help from friends is an option and a blessing. It is not a right ! See, I'm getting started already. Along with that is the attempt, by government, to legislate common sense and moral behaviors. Can't be done. Both things are subjective. I tend to stick with the traditional values as taught by my parents and the Bible. Doesn't mean I hate anyone that doesn't, or wish them harm in any way. I just think they are wrong. The thing is don't try to force me to accept your beliefs either. Then I become passionate. It may be the law but I don't have to like it.
It may sound trite but it is something I believe in. You have undoubtedly heard the old adage, " you made your bed, now sleep in it ". That about sums it up for me. To put it in today's  fancy talk, Personal Accountability. What happens to me is my problem and I need to deal with it. May not necessarily be my fault, but it is still my problem. Now there is another topic that will fire me up, blaming others for your own shortcomings. I will add that I have more than a few of them myself. My fault, not yours.
The trick in life is to live to your beliefs, and not to your words. Something we all struggle with. Do our words agree with our beliefs ? I try, but don't always succeed. It happens. If I could only be as passionate about that bit of advice as I am in giving it, I would be better off. Knowing and doing are different things.


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