Monday, October 7, 2013

Looking Back

My sisters birthday is soon and I was thinking about a gift. In thinking about my sister, who lives in Florida and I rarely see, I came to realize what we have in common. It is the one thing you will always have with your siblings, the past. Your siblings hold the same memories as you. These memories may or may not always agree but that is not the point. They were there, when. As the years pass by these memories become more and more important to most of us. Having grown up and moved away in our later years we long to grow closer again. Some will choose to do this in a physical sense, moving to be physically closer to one another. Others just do this in a mental way. We spend more time thinking about the past and those that we loved. As adults we start to learn to appreciate each other as people. It can be a difficult thing for some. After all, we know an awful lot about this person. Letting go of perceived past injustices can be a challenge. Unsettled business, as it where. I am happy to say I do not have these issues with my sister. We talk often and enjoy each others company. Our discussions usually involve the past.
So, with all this mind I was considering what I could give her for her birthday. I wanted something unique. I wanted to give her a piece of the past. She has been restoring an older home and enjoys the folk art stuff. Her style in decorating relies heavily on that. I looked and found nothing suitable. So I did the only other thing I could do, I made it for her.


I'm calling it my" window to the past." I made this frame and " aged " the wood. The lady in the window is our Grandmother Clara Lester. She is holding our Uncle Elwood in 1922. The home in the background is hers. Two years later in 1924 she would give birth to our father. She wouldn't survive to hold him. She passed away the same day.
I'm hoping my sister enjoys this little folk art piece. I haven't seen another, so in my mind it is an original idea. My sister is an original too ! 

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