Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Give me Shelter

My grandson Mark came over the other day and was asking about a sign he noticed on the side of the church. He thought perhaps it had something to do with radioactivity or something similar. He described the sign to me and I immediately knew what it was. It was the old Civil Defense sign. What we called the fallout shelters. I explained to him he wasn't far off in his thinking. Since then I have noticed one other sign here in town. I suppose they are collectible. Every thing else is.
I remember well being told if you hear the siren, run to the nearest fallout shelter. Don't stop for anything and if the bomb goes off, cover your eyes ! Well, unless you were in school then your desk offered thermo- nuclear protection. There were good desks back in those days ! The high school was one of those shelters. Although I don't remember one ever taking place, I know they did have civil defense drills. Maybe I was in school then, hiding under that desk, while the rest of the town had their drill. Certain people were leaders in that and wore those funny looking hardhats. We were ready for those sneaky Russians. They were not about to drop a bomb on us without retaliation. We would come out of those shelters and be fine.
That is what the government was telling us. Most of us knew better but believed it anyway. We felt reassured. The government and the media, unlike today, was not trying to scare us all to death. It may have been naive but it was better than being paranoid. Listen to the news and media reports today and you know you're doomed. The government is going broke, there are weapons of mass destruction, terrorists are everywhere, and that is not to mention the myriad of diseases and medical conditions you probably have !
I don't hear anything reassuring coming out of Washington these days. There are no " fallout shelters " from today's impending disasters. The government doesn't even attempt to offer solutions. All I hear is dissension and a sense of panic. The blame game in full force. We are fighting a war, you hear that all the time, but who is the enemy ? Our troops are dying , that much is certain, but what ground have we gained ?
Government has become more and more intrusive in our everyday lives. Big brother is the common term used. Well I sure liked it better when big brother was reassuring and you felt he had your back. Now big brother wants all my money, wants to dictate how I live, and just tells me how dependent I am upon him. Big brother is a bully !
We can stop this nonsense however. We still have the vote. Big brother hasn't taken that away, yet. He may try to manipulate it, but he can not deny it. Our vote is the last " fallout shelter " we have. I suggest we all head there right away !


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