Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Necessity or Nostalgia

Went for a haircut yesterday afternoon. Those trips are getting fewer as the years pass. Increasing cost and less hair being the motivators. Was a day, Saturday, when you would find me at the local barber shop early in the morning. Would sit and read the comic books while others got their hair cut. Sometimes skipping my turn if Batman was in serious trouble. You were welcome to stay as long as you liked.  Never was hair styled in the barber shop, just cut. The barber shop was the domain of the men folks. They even used a level to make sure your flat top was flat ! Now my barber is a woman. Times change.
I learned a lot of things hanging out at the barber shop. Listening to the old folks talk about politics, women and life in general. Now understand one thing, men don't gossip, they discuss. And believe me when I tell you there was a lot of discussions ! I knew things no twelve year old boy had any right knowing about. I knew for sure that not all adults were that smart for instance. Heard a lot of them calling other ones less than intelligent,if you know what I mean. The discussions could get heated too, mostly about sports. I heard years later that "allegedly" bets could be placed on certain sporting activities. I have no direct knowledge of this.
I am fortunate that my barber shop now resembles the old fashioned one I went to all those years ago. It is a little comforting in an oblique sort of way. I have been a few times early and there were a few customers in there. Little discussion however. The television was playing. There were plenty of magazines and books around but no one reading them. It was a rather subdued environment. Mostly just us older folks. The young ones are probably getting their hair styled at the mall. Oh well, no matter I'm still learning new things at the barber shop. You can know about things but not really learn it until you experience it firsthand.
I've learned that as you age your eyebrows grow faster than the hair on your head. I have no explanation for this fact but it happens. The barber used to ask if I wanted my hair thinned out. Now it is doing that all by itself. My hair trimmings look more like old snow than anything else. But on the plus side I can now sit still,without giggling, while my neck gets trimmed. And another thing, the barber listens to what I say. Sometimes I may make reference to an event I remember well, only to discover that to her, it is a piece of history.
I am lucky that I still have enough hair that it requires the attention of the barber. Others of my age are not so fortunate. Although given the cost of a haircut these days I question that. I have seen some that begs the question, are you here out of necessity or for nostalgia. I still enjoy the barber shop.

about 1958

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