Monday, October 22, 2012

Getting dressed

While driving to my sister in laws home early on Sunday morning I passed a church. I have noticed this church many times over the years. It is an Episcopal church and it is done in stone. An especially pretty church and one reminiscent of the church I attended in my youth. I always tell my wife I'm going to attend services there one day. I would like to visit that edifice of worship.
As we passed by sevices were just getting out. The Reverend was standing on the front steps in all his robes, looking splendid and greeting the parishioners. It struck a chord within me. I flashed back to a day many years ago when I would greet the Reverend as I left the church. I was very small and remember looking up at this smiling man. Dressed in long robes and smiling widely he reminded me of Jesus. At least that is what I thought Jesus looked like. Later I became a member of the choir and served as an acolyte. I worked closely with the reverend and was part of the proceedings. I no longer met him on the steps after the service.
As I watched the congregants leave, the thought came to me. I think it is only appropriate and just  that we should wear our finest to church. After all, I am visiting the house of the lord. And it a special occasion. Each time we go to worship is special. We attend those services to show our devotion. Do we not dress up for other special occasions ?
I know all the arguments. This is the modern times. We are progressive. God doesn't care what you wear. Wearing formal clothes may embarrass others that can not afford fancy suits. I've heard them all and not all of them are invalid. Quite the contrary but that is not the point. At least, for me, I feel compelled to dress for the occasion. Now, I don't own a suit. Haven't had much need for one. I do have dress slacks and button down shirts. I feel dressed enough. As long as your clothes are clean and pressed I think that is good. You shouldn't look like you just walked in off the street in your everyday clothes. I think what I'm trying to say is you should look like you put some effort in getting prepared. Hopefully you would do that for a job interview or when meeting someone like a future in law. I believe you should do as much when going to Gods house.
I would have to say all of this is a product of my upbringing. I enjoy the pageantry of the whole thing. The costumes, if you like, and the regiment of the service. Church is a formal affair and not to be taken lightly. I write this to explain my feelings. It is not an area of debate as there is no right or wrong. It is my tradition.
I think no less of those with other customs or beliefs. I'm not saying they are wrong.

1 comment:

  1. I completely agree, and we are, indeed, a product of our up-bringing. My mother still thinks it's 'wrong' for a woman to wear slacks or a nice pants suit to church...and she rarely does it. I,however, often wear slacks and a nice top,with a jacket. I guess it some of it has to do with the fashion of dress pants for women,but I also HATE my legs,and like to have them covered! I don't wear jeans, or shorts, or casual clothing. I dress up. I'm far more comfortable doing so. Our congregation wears whatever they choose without comment, except once, when a young woman in her twenties showed up dressed very inappropriately for ANY occasion,except perhaps,the beach, in my opinion. Extremely tight,extremely short shorts and t-shirt. Our Pastor told her how happy we are to have her with us (her first time there) but that he'd appreciate it, in the future, if she would wear something that covered her more. She didn't return. Too bad, but her outfit was a real distraction.
