Wednesday, October 3, 2012


More and more everyday I hear about freedom and what it is to be free. I hear people saying they can do what they like because they are free. I hear how I am not supposed to say anything contrary to their beliefs. I hear I am prejudiced and a bigot if I do. There sure are a lot of Constitutional scholars around these days as well. It is becoming tiresome.
First let me say this, tolerance does not mean acceptance ! Just because I tolerate a behaviour does not mean I accept it. Sounds plain enough to me, but there are those that seem to confuse the two. Make no mistake about it, I will voice my displeasure.
Approval does not necessarily imply support. I may approve of an action, thought or deed but not support it. That is to say, you can do what the law allows, but that doesn't mean I support that action.
Freedom does not mean I have to agree with you ! It doesn't get any simpler than that. And I'm no constitutional scholar but the constitution does not guarantee you will be happy. It gives us the freedom to pursue happiness. It guards against persecution. Persecution is not the same thing as disagreeing with you.
I hear a lot of talk about personal freedom but little understanding of the principles of freedom. One can only be free when everyone in that society is free. The basis of freedom is tolerance and respect.  Included in that statement is my belief that freedom includes an obligation. The obligation to conduct oneself in a civil manner.
So the bottom line to me is; quit being such a bunch of drama queens ! Quit acting so offended every time I disagree with you. And please, quit trying to convince me the Constitution specifically addresses every single issue you may have with me or any injustice perceived.

1 comment:

  1. I believe I know what prompted this inspirational piece...and I agree with you,whole-heartedly! Preach it,brother!
