Saturday, October 27, 2012


The question of marriage equality is on the Maryland ballot. As you would expect it is a topic of hot debate. I grow weary of hearing about it. Setting aside moral and religious issues, and doing an examination of the implications of this measure, we are being asked our opinion. I have reached my conclusion a long time back.
I am opposed to Gay marriage. Simple as that. Call it marriage equality or call it Gay marriage it makes no difference to me. It is not a marriage. A marriage is between a man and a women. That is my belief and my opinion. I refuse to argue the point. To put it simply one man,one woman.
The latest argument I hear for this measure is the possible economic impact. Restaurants and caterers and facilities for marriage ceremonies. They speak of possible revenues in the hundreds of thousands. Could be, and in my opinion we are now getting closer to the truth of the matter. This marriage equality measure is really all about economic equality. These couples want the tax advantages of being married and any other legal protections that may come with marriage. I can understand that and even on some level empathize. I do however, think the passage of this " equality measure " would be akin to opening pandora's box. What manner of other reforms may be released ? Marriage to an animal or group marriages ? Anyone can marry anything ? Sounds far fetched I know, but so did same sex marriage just a few generations ago. I will not address the moral issues other than to say I was raised in the Christian faith and hold traditional values. 
I would offer a possible solution. Allow same sex individuals to form some sort of LLC or corporation together to gain the same tax advantages as married couples. Of course you would have to somehow regulate this practice as well. There lies the rub with that plan. Would there be any single filers left ?  Wouldn't make much economic sense would it ? Another solution is to overhaul the tax code to remove this inequality. Do that and the main incentive is being removed. As far as their partners being able to make key decisions for each other, an unlimited power of attorney will take care of that. Call that contract with each other a civil union. That paper could perform the same function as a marriage license. 
I will finish by saying this, I am not a gay basher. I oppose the practice on moral grounds but live and let live. As long as you are not harming me or others it is up to you to deal with the consequences of your actions. I think it unreasonable of those that expect me to change my religious or moral values to support theirs. Tolerance does not mean acceptance. And one other thing, love does not hinge upon a piece of paper nor social acceptance. Love is an emotion and cannot be regulated.

1 comment:

  1. You don't need to worry about an argument from me.
    I stand upon the same platform on this issue, Ben. Live and let live, is probably the best way to go on some issues.
