Wednesday, October 17, 2012


It is all getting just a little confusing. Was a time when you knew what was expected of you and what to expect of others. Those days seem to be fading away. The roles are getting filled by understudies. Shakespeare said all the worlds a stage and each of us must play a part. I think he was correct. At the very least it made things a whole lot easier. Without a clear path or vision, it becomes difficult to fulfill the part.
There are exceptions to almost every rule. Exceptions however should not be made the norm. That is why they are exceptions, they are exceptional ! And being exceptional is not necessarily a good thing either.
It is my feeling this confusion is what is influencing our youth of today. They don't have a clear idea of what is expected. Going to college is one expectation. On the other end of that it is also okay to be a thug ! That's cool. Be a rapper and curse about life in general. Can get rich that way too. What is confusing is that everything is alright nowadays. As long as you are kind to animals and support giving more money to every cause that comes along, you're good to go.
I'm not saying our parents generation was the right way. I am not advocating a return to the stigmas of the past. What I am saying is we need a clear path and vision of what is expected. Some things are just wrong and not acceptable. That doesn't imply we punish those for those choices, but we don't embrace it either. I was given certain freedoms and quickly learned what was acceptable and what was not. I wasn't beaten,bullied or ostracized but the message was clear. Straighten up and fly right. There is nothing wrong with defining a set of values to live by. It is a complex issue to be sure, but I believe achievable. be chaste
A few examples :

Telling our young ladies you should be chaste until marriage, then passing out condoms and the day after pill at the high school.

 And should you have a baby out of wedlock, the government will give you money and support. Repeat that mistake and the government will give you more money and more support.

Breaking the law is excusable. Enter the country illegally, evade detection for a number of years and that makes it okay. Commit a crime and get sentenced to jail time. Not to worry, you can get out for good behaviour. Hire a lawyer and show how you are the victim in all this. It is not my fault !

Men can marry men and women can marry women. Now how confusing is that ? Attempting to redefine a social norm since the beginning of time.

It is all just a bit confusing to me but then again, that's just me. 

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