Tuesday, October 30, 2012


I was reading some facebook posts and there were several about the guards at the tomb of the unknowns. The vast majority were supportive and sending prayers and well wishes to those that perform that noble task. There were a few however that I just find hard to believe. Surely those posts were meant to incite a reaction and that they did. Several questioned why they would continue to guard the tomb through this bit of weather. Several thought it foolish. All of those people, unless they posted just for the reaction,are surely clueless. A total lack of understanding.
I struggled to attempt to find words to describe duty and honor. I think it may be an impossible task. If one does does understand those concepts, I feel incapable of explanation. How would one instruct another in those concepts. Indeed, you may just as well try to explain love.
As I read some of those statements and questions my first reaction was anger. How could you think what those men do is foolish and of no consequence. One commenter even had the audacity to say, no one has died for me. My anger quickly turned to something else, a sense of sadness came over me, for surely those making such comments must lack a basic human trait. To deny understanding of duty and honor above all else is surely a shortcoming in character.
Those that volunteer for that duty are tested. Their commitment is tested. They take a solemn pledge and that pledge is bound with honor. They commit themselves to performing that duty regardless of the cost to themselves. Their time, efforts and thoughts devoted to this noble task. And that commitment they make is for a lifetime. It does not end when their tour of duty ends. Those that have the capacity to complete the mission are exceptional men. I understand the concept but question my own ability to complete the task. Just as one does not become a hero by desire, these men are tested in their resolve everyday. Never have they shirked their duty.
I really do hope those posting were just trying in some immature way to get a reaction. In that they succeeded. I would hate to believe that there are those that do not understand that basic human emotion of love. For honor and love are intertwined. They can not be separated. With honor and love comes trust. These men are entrusted with a sacred and noble cause. That cause is to never leave our comrades alone. Even in death and anonymity to stand steadfast by their side. That is the symbolism of the tomb of the unknowns. I could not do that duty with such practiced precision as they do. My uniform would not look as crisp and squared away but I tell you this. Should the need ever arise I would stand that ground ! Any of those I served with, would stand that ground. Any time and any weather !

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