Sunday, October 21, 2012


Yesterday was such a beautiful fall day I decided to go for a walk. I had some flyers to put up concerning the upcoming Veterans Day parade and celebration. So grabbing the flyers and my camera I set out. Having friends all over the country, via Facebook, I know some don't get to see the fall colors. My thought was to share them with all. They are reaching their peak right about now. It is a small window of opportunity.
Putting the flyers up I proceeded down the main road. A nice tree here and some nice fall decorations over there. I soon had a few nice shots and the flyers posted. I turned off the main road and headed down the side streets.
The temperature was the average temperature for this day. A light breeze was blowing. The clouds were a little gray and some threatened with darker areas. I was just walking along looking for the signs of fall. I wanted to try to capture that to share. No professional photographer I have a standard digital camera and use the " easy auto " mode. I'm certain that camera knows a whole lot more about settings than I do. It was mid afternoon and quiet.Had I grown up here as a child I'm sure I would have explored every inch of it. Thing is, I have, for the most part, always driven everywhere. Oh, I'll take a walk down main street every now and again and maybe to the park but walking through the back alley is a different experience altogether.
I am aware of the stares of people. They wonder what I'm doing ? I don't blame them for that. Given the times we live in, it pays to be aware. There are some beautiful sights to see. Small areas and hidden patches of beauty. I'm afraid my photographic skills do not do them justice.
It was a wonderful walk and very calming. I did meet some workmen taking a rest from their labors. They were sitting in the shade listening to the radio. Good old boys and friendly. They probably thought me some city boy out taking pictures and communing with nature. Perception can be deceiving. LOL Bidding them good day, I came home and posted those pictures on Facebook. I immediately got a few likes. Very satisfying. I hope others enjoy those little glimpses of Greensboro as much as I do. Each of us live in a world filled with beauty if we but look for it. We may strive to see the big picture but it is often the smallest ones that are the most beautiful. 

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