Friday, October 26, 2012


While at work yesterday another old memory was dredged up. It is one of those things that you can look back upon and laugh. Pretty funny stuff. The innocence of youth often creates those moments. I am quite sure Mom remembers it well.
At the end of the dirt road where I grew up was a rental property. Several families moved in and out during the years I was growing up. One family had a boy my age and a sister that was older. I must have been ten or so. If  I remember correctly the show " Rat Patrol " was on television at that time. I loved playing army back in those days. Keep in mind that was the normal thing back thing. Boys played Army and fought the Nazis or were cowboys battling those red savages ! The concept of enemies was quite clear and it was good vs evil baby !
During one of these epic struggles to free the world of Nazis I received a head wound of some type. Crawling back to the first aid station, my friends kitchen, I was in desperate need of medical care. Hollering for a medic this boy's older sister appeared. She decided to play along and asked me about my wound. I told her I had been shot in the head but I was sure it was just a flesh wound ( had a lot of those type wounds back then ) and that I just needed bandaging. Now whether this was a deliberate act on her part or not I can't say. In retrospect I would have to conclude she got a good laugh at my expense. Whatever the case she bandaged my head, with a feminine napkin ! Yup, one of those big old things with the long ends on them. The kind you had to use a garter belt with. Just wrapped it right around my head. She assured me I would be alright.
About the time I received my medical care I heard my mom calling for me. Leaving the war behind, I raced down that dirt road making a beeline for home. As I reached the steps of the house Mom greeted me there with, what have you got on your head ? OMG get that thing off your head. Then she began fussing and yelling at me for some unknown reason. At least unknown to me that is. I asked for an explanation but none was forthcoming. Later I asked Dad as well but he wasn't giving me any insight into this situation either. Like most things it just passed into history and was not spoken of again.
Years later when I was in the military I was shown a field dressing kit. Guess what one of the items in there was ? Yup, only in drab green. I expect they still use a similar item to this day. Guess if the one I had on my head had been drab green it wouldn't have caused such a stir. Well, who knew ?

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