Sunday, October 7, 2012

An Essay on Religion

As a general rule, theological discussion is best left to theologians. I am by no means in that category. I don't consider myself a pious man. I observe the religious holidays of the Christian faith. I pray. Most importantly, I think, is, I believe. It is the basis of this belief that lends itself to discussion and examination.
I believe that the human spirit requires hope to survive. It is more than sheer will that drives us forward. This hope, is the fuel of desire and ambition. It is this hope of the future, not only for ourselves, but for those we love that make the struggle of life worth the effort.
In considering the existence or nonexistence of a higher power I had to ask myself a question. If my life is finite, that is to say limited, what is the point of it all ? What meaning to life ? In putting together a puzzle one requires all the pieces. There are no temporary pieces. If I am part of the larger scheme of things, a piece of the puzzle as it were, would I not be permanent ? And in so being permanent would that not require a power much higher than man ? I believe you must answer Yes. The question remaining is this, is life the physical body ?  One could take that view. If you were to believe that, then there is no need for further discussion.
I do not. Life to me is much more than being here and taking up space. I have a contribution to make. I am a   piece in the puzzle. And in so being, am I not permanent ? The evidence of centuries lies before me. My physical self is not immortal, so it naturally follows there must be something more. More than flesh and blood. It is the defining of this presence that is at the core of the discussion. This presence has been evident to man since the beginning of time. One need only to read and study history to know that. This presence has had many names and forms but it's existence was never denied, at least not by the majority of mankind. It is this presence that gives us hope.
Having determined, at least to my own satisfaction, the presence of a higher power I must ask if this power requires anything of me ? Must I feel any obligation toward this power ? Will this same power punish me in any way should I not conform ? Difficult questions indeed. And questions I have struggled with over the years. This power is responsible for my creation and deserving of my respect. I owe this power that acknowledgement at the very least. Should I fear this power ? Fear and respect can be confused. I have found it prudent to give those of a higher power than myself, a measure of both. The manner of doing so is discretionary. As for the matter of punishment I have reached a conclusion. Following my logic of being a permanent piece of the puzzle I can not believe my spirit will end. But it could be placed in a different area of the puzzle, an area perhaps not so nice. After all, all the pieces are necessary, but each is not equally as beautiful.
I was indoctrinated into the Christian system of belief. I find it comforting and rewarding. I would not deny another their choice of faith. Only when the perversion of that faith causes harm to others will I take exception. Just as anyone would wish to share those things they find enjoyable, I would share my beliefs with you. You may accept or deny them, as you wish, but that doesn't change the way I feel. Nor does it give me license to persecute you.
Religion and it's practice has always existed. A part of the universe. The universe is infinite. A logical mind can not deny that. Each of us are a part of that same universe. Each of us are energy. Energy can never be exhausted, merely transformed. And so logically we are also infinite. That is a more scientific explanation.
And carrying that out to a logical conclusion, the presence we feel is, energy. It is the source of that energy that we question.
When we are infants do we question our Mothers nurturing ? And we are mere infants in the universe. All our knowledge gathered over centuries, indeed throughout millennia, bears testament to that. I don't think we should question this energy. Accept it. Accept it as you would your Mothers love.
The matter of worship should not be confused with belief. I believe. I believe prayer is good for the soul and gives one hope. Hope is what is required. To be without hope is to be devoid of feeling.


  1. Someone once asked me how I would feel if I died and found out I wa wrong in my beliefs. I replied that even if none of it turns out to be true I would have been glad I followed my faith because it made me a better, kinder, more generous, loving person in this life because everything I did I did with my belief system in mind.

  2. Someone I know told me he didn't need MY God, but also determined that he didn't need ANY God. Sadly, I responded that if I am wrong in my beliefs,I have absolutely nothing to lose, but what if he is wrong? He has everything to lose. Because I believe the way I do,it saddens me to know that there are so many who have no faith at all, and thus, no hope at all. I base my beliefs on the Bible,which I believe to be the infallible Word of God. But that's me...
    I appreciate these views you've offered,,and every day.
