Friday, October 19, 2012


I have discovered in writing these little blog posts of mine truths about myself. I have been more than willing to share my memories with the world. I find myself anxious to express my random thoughts on just about any topic. But I have pretty much been playing it safe you might say. I determined a while back to include some of these " self awareness " moments. I feel it only fair if my true intent is to leave a written record of me. And that was the original intent of my blog. I wanted to leave behind more than pictures. I also wanted my version of events to be available. People tend to tell a different version of things after you are gone ! And so I will share this thought. I'm thinking I have pretty much played it safe all my life. Never really going out on the limb. I have been fortunate that I was able to go through life in this fashion. It is not in my personality to be driven. I can usually accomplish anything I set out to do. That is not to say I become an expert at anything but I can do a passable job. I am aware of my limitations and avoid those areas of weakness.
The great people of the world all take risks. Whether that risk is obvious to others or not. Like overcoming stage fright or public speaking. You have to be willing to risk it. Embarrassment ! An interesting word and an apt description. It is just all out there isn't it ? Humiliation almost always follows. I have tried to avoid that all my life. It is a weakness of my spirit. I have made many excuses for this over the years but have finally just come to the conclusion I am weak. Unwilling to take that chance. I have always operated within a safe environment. Even now, equipped with that knowledge I can not see any other avenue for me. I still want to play it safe. I do think about writing a book or a poem and having it published. I dream great dreams of fame and fortune. I will never act upon them though. At least not outside of my safe little world. You might say I wait for an invitation before acting. It is the safest way.
And so this is a truth about me. A personal revelation. I am not likely to change nor do I really want to. I am not unhappy with my circumstance in life. It just is. It's comfortable and most importantly, safe. They say the most successful people are driven. I don't believe that. They drive themselves. Me, I'll go along for the ride if invited. I need to be driven ! Only when I feel fairly certain of success will I go forward. 

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