Monday, October 8, 2012

Dredging up Memories

Why is it we always think of memories as being good ? We all know they all are not. At the least you should remember the bad times as a learning tool. It is the capacity of man to put the bad memories aside and go forward that make us exceptional. Or, is it ? Animals don't seem to remember much either. They continue on. Is memory a function of intelligence ? I guess you would have to say so. If I can remember all that I have learned I'm a pretty smart fella. Well, as long as you can apply what you have learned to everyday life that is.
As Dad was fond of saying, there are a lot of educated fools out there !
I have memories of times that were not so good. Times that I made bad or foolish choices. Times when others were suffering loss or failure. I don't often think about them. People don't want to hear about them either. They are not amusing. Still, it bears repeating we should not forget about them. We should share them as well. It is just that every time we do it oftens comes off as instructive. And worse it comes at our expense.
No one likes to admit to mistakes. I am no exception.
I was thinking about this when I wrote my blog on saturday morning. Waiting for a memory was the title. I was waiting for the bad time to pass. It has and Morgan is recovering. There is no benefit to remembering this incident that I can see. She simply tripped and fell. Watch your step is the only lesson learned. I think she already knew that. An accident happened. I will relegate it to memory. In the writing of my Random Thoughts and Memories I haven't included any bad ones. I'm thinking now that I should. If I want this collection of writings to be a fair representation of myself, it is inevitable. It is a difficult realization. Time to walk the walk, not just talk the talk ! I'll approach this with trepidation. Exposing one's shortcomings is not an easy thing. I'll have to consider this carefully. Dredging up past mistakes and opening old wounds is usually not recommended. I haven't forgotten that advice. 

1 comment:

  1. All our experiences, good and bad, work together to form us into the people we are. Although not all memories are good ones, I don't regret any of them. They've made me who I am and I'm OK with that.
