Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Cyber Monday

I already wrote about black Friday and now I keep hearing about Cyber Monday. All these great deals on line. Shoudn't most people be at work ? I'm sure no one would be shopping while at work ! I'd bet those deals will still be there on Tuesday. Some media person will have to coin a phrase for that.
This cyber Monday thing sounds like someone trying to make another quasi-holiday. I'm betting Hallmark will have a card for it next year. The bottom line here is they want you to spend your money and are hoping you can just use that credit card of yours. Relax and shop away till the card runs out.
I heard on the news how many millions have already been spent on holiday gifts. It is a staggering amount that I really can't wrap my mind around. I thought we were in a recession ? They say if we spend enough we can turn the economy around. I'd better take a course in economics because I can't figure out how going into deeper debt improves our current situation. It is all very confusing to this simple country boy.
The period of time between Thanksgiving and Christmas should just be called the shopping season. Most shoppers are not too jolly and very few I think really enjoy it. How can you with the crowds and that sense of urgency that is in the air? A lot of people are stressing out. A complusion to buy everyone a gift when you really can't afford it is not a good feeling at all. That may be the reason for the rise in Gift card sales I touched upon yesterday.
Maybe we should just have "cash Wednesday" where you give everyone some cash and say Happy Holidays. You know its' not correct to say Merry Christmas anymore,but thats' another blog.
I just get annoyed with all this hype to spend,spend,spend. The retailers would have you believe you can buy a great Christmas. You can't !

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