Saturday, November 13, 2010

Old wives tales

We have all heard them. Some have proven to be true and some are questionable at best. Others are just pure fantasy. I was talking with a co worker yesterday when he told me one I hadn't heard before.
If your cows are lying down in the morning it is going to rain that day. If they lay down at any other time it doesn't mean a thing. I chuckled at that but having had very little expericence with cows,except for eating them,I have no idea about the validity of the statement. It did bring to mind a few I have heard.
Don't leave your whites out in the moonlight or they will turn yellow.
If that happens lay them on the grass in the morning dew and they will bleach white again.
Just before it rains you can smell it in the air. This one has some truth as Niacin is realeased in the atmosphere . At least that what Mr. Science says.
When I was small my Mom hung clothes out to dry.In the winter they would freeze. Don't bend the arms or legs of the clothing they might break off. Just a tale.
The leaves on a tree curl up before a rain.
You hear no birds before a storm.
Wooly worms predict the severity of winter.
A high forehead means higher intelligence.
Wet feet will give you a cold.
Sitting too close to the TV will ruin your eyesight.
If your right ear itches someone is saying something nice about you,if your left bad.
A bar of soap inbetween your bedsheets prevents leg cramps.
These are just some examples and I'm sure you can add a few of your own. I do find it interesting when science proves the validity of some of these sayings. Just goes to show that we aren't as smart as we like to think. The old timers knew things just from experience and no proof was required.

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