Saturday, November 27, 2010


The older we get the faster time goes.This old adage is used frequently by my Mom. When I was younger I really didn't understand it. Now,unfortunately,I do. I was listening to the news and the man was talking about social security. He was saying how if nothing changes the system will be broke in 27 years.
I thought, man that isn't very far off. Twenty seven years isn't all that long. Then I thought about how when I was  twenty, twenty seven years seemed like a lifetime. And how when you were in school summer break seemed so long but in reality was only about two months. I remember thinking I would never be old enough to get that drivers license.
Now having reached the ripe old age of  fifty six, weeks and months fly by. A year doesn't seem like a real long time. I wonder if it just because you develop patience over the years ? I'm wondering where this year went. Seems like we just celebrated the fourth of July and now its' time to hang the Christmas decorations. Yup.I know what Mom is saying now. A more sobering thought did occur to me as well. The Man said twenty seven years, wonder if I'll even be around ? That would make me 83 and if you go by the average life span for a man in the United States  well   I've got plenty of time. Time flies  when you're having fun !

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