Thursday, November 4, 2010

Taking the Call

Cell phones. Not too long ago James Bond was the only one that had one. I remember my brother having one that came in an attache case and you could sometimes even make a call. Very expensive to own and very expensive to use. A very handy device however. They have sure come a long way with that technology.
The problem,at least for me,is that most people have thrown out general courtesy when it comes to their use.
How many times have you been talking to someone when their cell phone rings ? OK not ringing but usually playing some song. The person answers that ring like a well trained dog ! Bam You are left standing there feeling awkward. I don't want to listen to your conversation.That would not be polite. Most of the time the other person doesn't even say excuse me while I take this call. Rude behaviour in my book. Makes me feel like whatever I was saying was unimportant. Maybe I'm just sensitive.
If I am talking to someone or otherwise engaged ( ie working) I just reach down and mute that call. Isn't that why we have the missed call feature ? I'll check it when I'm not talking with you or during a break. Funny thing is when I do this the other people seem to stress out. Their usual response is,you can take that call or aren't you going to take that call ? I've had a few that almost panic ! Maybe they are being polite and I appreciate that but I do not feel the need to answer the phone immediately in all situations.
What is worse is the phone stuck in your ear ! What is up with that ? Beam me up Scotty. I can see in a few particular circumstances where this may be necessary but for the most part,really? I could rant and rave on about this but lets leave it at,Really ?
I do think we need to add a course of study to the school curriculum, cell phone courtesy. Where have our manners gone ? I can recall the days when you would get a call saying I tried to call you earlier today or (gasp) yesterday and you didn't feel like you had committed a crime by not answering that call. I just prefer not feeling pressured to "take the call."

1 comment:

  1. I'm totally with you on this one! And texting is a whole issue unto itself!
