Saturday, November 6, 2010

Frost on the pumpkin

Got up and went to my truck. What is this stuff on the windshield ? FROST ! I'm surprised,why ? It is November. Strange how our minds work. I watch the weather report every day,I can feel the chill in the air,I even heard the warnings about bringing in your delicate plants yet I'm still surprised by the frost.
Now I'm rooting around in the tool box looking for that scraper. I know it is in there somewhere. A little dark out here too and it is almost eight o'clock. I can't see well enough to locate that danged scraper. Well,the frost isn't too thick I'll just use my drivers license. Now I'm feeling a little rushed this has thrown off my schedule. I'll have to start a little earlier tomorrow. Shift into winter mode. Better check the antifreeze too,been putting that off.
Frost,a minor inconvenience to be sure but I'm starting to miss just jumping in and going already. My truck is an older model so it does not have any of the recent features like remote starting. If I need to defrost I have to go to the truck and start it,turn on the defroster and just wait. Might as well just sit in the drive as go back in the house so you're sitting there with cold air blowing. I can see a light frost on the ground in some areas that makes you think about the coming snow, and you know its' coming. Wonder where that snow shovel is ? I'll have to look for that and get some ice melt too. Think I have a pair of gloves somewhere. Well,there is no big hurry snow is a ways off !
The windshield is defrosted and I can feel the warmth. It is going to be a nice day according to the weather man. Highs in the afternoon in the mid fifties I shouldn't need a jacket a sweatshirt will do. It sure was a hot summer this year these temperatures are quite pleasant. That early morning frost should kill all the germs drifting around in the air. Its' going to be a wonderful day ! I'll put that snow stuff on the to do list.

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