Friday, November 12, 2010

Get Excited

Let me start by saying I'm not a huge fan of football. I only have a passing interest in the sport and baseball season is over. Watching basketball never did much for me either.
I do watch the Baltimore Ravens games whenever I am in the mood. Purple Friday is a big deal in these parts. That is were you wear something purple on Friday to work or whatever. Support your team !
The thing that strikes me the most is the celebration following almost every good play ! These men are professional athletes so it shouldn't come as a big surprise when they make the play. The receiver catches the ball and does a little dance. The quarterback throws a good pass, high fives all around. They even had to make rules about excessive celebrating !
It did occur to me however what if we all got as excited about our on the job accomplishments. That oil is changed ! Do a little dance. That burger is cooked. High five. Our workaday lives would be more enjoyable if we celebrated more. Sales are up, pile on the office manager. At the end of the week we could pour a bucket of gatorade over somebodys head .
I suppose it has something to do with all that adrenaline running through their system. Other sports don't seem to celebrate quite as much or as often. In baseball an occasional high five for a home run or a slap on the back is about it. Unless you win a playoff game then they celebrate a little more. Don't watch other sports enough to make an informed comment on their rituals.
I don't know just seems to me like they are always surprised when the play goes right. It is good to be pleased with your work. I just wish I could get as excited every time I accomplished my job.

1 comment:

  1. Funny! Had never thought about that before but very true!
