Friday, September 3, 2010

Where did that come from?

Ever wonder where and how a fad or fashion starts ? I do. I guess just someone somewhere says something like,.I'm down with that and the next thing you know everybody is down with that, of course,only if you are cool or hip or whatever the saying is now.
When we were young we would quickly embrace these sayings and or fashions . As we get older we are a little more hesitant. Don't want to seem foolish. Although there are always some that continue embracing these trends seemingly unaware that they do just appear foolish !
We all seem to get stuck at a certain point in our fashion sense. I'm stuck with blue jeans and a tee shirt for everyday wear. Nice slacks with a button down shirt for the more formal occasions. Honestly,I don't own a suit. Never have and probably never will. Just don't have many suit occasions in my life.
It is intersting to watch the fashion trends however. Some are good for a laugh. I especialy wonder why the latest trend is wearing your pajama bottoms out as though they were pants ?  How did that get started ? Bet it ends come January or so though. And the trend of wearing your pants so big they fall down or your underwear shows. Whats' up with that. Guess that is hip hop or gangsta but really just looks stupid in my opinion.
Another trend I've noticed lately is tattos'. Now I'm not anti tattoo,have a couple small ones myself. But getting rather large ones in areas not easily conceled is questionable in my opinion. And let me tell you Gals something. George Burns,a notable comedian said it best when asked why he liked young women. His response was," because their skin fits"  Tatoos look good when your skin fits not so good when it doesn't. Just something to consider.
But back to my original thought. Where or how do these trends start ? I have never known anyone that started one and I know I've never started one myself. Everytime I tried something different people would say, what is that all about ? Are you nuts ?
For a while it was words that came into and out of fashionable use. Words like, cool,hip,keen,rad,bitchin',sharp,knarly and a host of others. Now I think it is abbreviations, lol.lmao,rofl,bff etc. Most relate to texting and the internet. Geek went from bad to good.
I remember when bad was good.
Well.I'll just watch for the next trend to come along. No one ever gets credit for these things. Maybe I'll jump on the band wagon. Why do we say that ? Anybody ever seen a bandwagon?  CBL ( check back later ) wonder if that will catch on. Remember you read it here first.

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