Monday, September 13, 2010

The Butimahs

Todays title is the BUTIMAHS  pronounced  BUT I'M  AH.
What you ask is a butimah?
They are those indivuals that feel conventional rules or directions/instructions do not apply to them.Common courtesy doesn't apply to them either as far as their interaction with other people.
We have all encountered these people. Maybe at the grocery store or walmart. Almost always at your job.
The butimahs are everywhere.
They come from all walks of life and all social strata. Male,Female,Young or Old doesn't matter.
The only other group that comes close to matching their presence is the BUTMY group. pronounced BUT MY.
You know these people. Their sentences always start with But my. IE: But my wife,husband,mother,father,brother,sister,Rabbi,Preist,significant other,friend etc. etc. etc.
A typical conversation with a butmy might go like this. Excuse me but you are parked in a handicapped zone and I noticed you don't have handicapped parking. The BUTMY will respond with,
" But my Wife has sore feet!" That explains that ! or" But I'm in a hurry. "
Now had you encountered a butimah the response would be a little different.
" But I 'm a doctor.! But I'm a tourist.! But I'm a local.!"
We have all become somewhat conditioned to these people. Most of us don't even notice.In the last few months I have been working in the retail industry in constant contact with the general public. I'm here to tell you the world is chock full of BUTIMAHS and BUTMYS. Next time you are out and about, pay attention and I'm sure you will encounter both groups.
If the sentence begins with a BUT ,well; I'll leave that alone.

Another thought is that they must be related to the other people. You know those people that mess everything up. Whenever something isn't right or just didn't get done its' always the "other" people. Never me but  the other people.  Those "other" people just can't seem to get it right.

1 comment:

  1. I've met those people! They must have relatives everywhere....
