Saturday, September 25, 2010

A little Surprised

I was listening to a major news cast about a Judge overruling the Don't Ask Don't Tell policy. They referred to it as DADT. Guess that wil enter our vocabulary of abbreviations. Guess we have to speak or write more quickly these days.
Near the end of the story as she was talking to the persons involved this Major news person says," how do you feel about this freakin" awesome ruling" This was followed by laughter all around and smiles.
Excuse me: is not" freakin" a contraction and altering of a phrase we all understand to be vulgar? At least I was taught not to use this or any other expletives like this in polite company. Now it is on the news? I have noticed the general acceptance of certain phrases that were once not very polite and some down right shocking. How about, "Sucka" we all know what that implies ! The increase in use of what my parents would deem rough language I find distasteful. Guess I'm old fashioned but there was a time when you didn't use these phrases in polite company. It showed a form of respect. Must be my age but I find it totally unattractive for a lady to use such language. Guess that makes me a chauvinist,so be it. Times and attitudes change and I am fully aware of this but not aways for the best. I personally find it more challenging to find ways to express myself without resorting to gutter talk. It does not make you seem tough or cool in my opinion just shows a lack of vocabulary skills and a lack of respect to others.
It does seem to me that this younger generation is adopting a more aggressive social climate. I see the attitudes,the style of dress and choice of language. Well,that I suppose was what was said about my generation as well. Maybe things haven't changed all that much after all ! Be nice to each other and try to include different phrases in your conversations.

1 comment:

  1. I always told my kids that intellegent people don't need to use bad language because their vocabularies are full of more interesting things to say.
