Tuesday, September 14, 2010

It's not my fault

Was watching television when a commercial comes on. The announcer is saying how tough it is to quit smoking. You have tried the patch,the pills,therapy etc without success. Stop worrying, smoking is now a treatable medical condition ! What ? A treatable medical condition.
Let me start by saying I'm an ex smoker. Hold the applause. I started when i was 18 and quit that  habit when I was 56. Over the years I had tried the patches,the pills and just plain quitting. None of them worked. They didn't work because I didn't want them to work ! I really didn't want to quit. It's as simple as that.
Now it is being proclaimed a treatable medical condition. What wasn't mentioned is that it is a SELF INFLICTED medical condition. I was never forced to smoke cigarettes. It was a choice I made in an immature attempt to fit in with the crowd. The fact that I enjoyed it and developed a habit is no ones fault but my own.
So now some health care policies will pay for treatment of your mistake. I had heard that some policies paid for Alcohol abuse. Is it any wonder that the cost of health care keeps rising. Whatever happened to, you made your bed now lie in it. I know its a tough policy. It is my opinion that I had the money to support that habit I should have the money to pay for any treatment required because of that habit.

The health care industry has decided to label this a treatable medical condition so they can collect more money to cure something that really only has one cure. If a person wants to quit smoking there is only one prerequisite, you must want to quit .
I started it I stopped it.  I don't want to hear a bunch of lame brained excuses about how hard it is. Are we,as a people,becoming so weak that we need patches and pills to modify our behaviour ? Already too much of that going on.

I promised myself I would not go around preaching about quitting smoking. If you like it, go for it. I don't care. Do not ask me to buy your cigarettes or pay you to stop. And oh for the record, I don't feel any better,foods don't taste any different and I still like the smell .
I did stop coughing so much

Smoking,a treatable medical condition ? Guess i shouldn't be surprised. Too much sex is a treatable condition,at least if you having it with persons other than your spouse, if unmarried you are just a sex maniac ! Whats' next, I get a speeding ticket and that becomes a treatable medical condition. If the health care industry would look into this I'm sure they could find and identify many more self inflicted treatable medical conditions !

Bottom line; I quit smoking by just quitting. I wanted to ( reason unimportant) Anyone can do that !

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