Wednesday, September 1, 2010

It's over

I saw were the president has declared an end to the hostilities. The war is over ! Our troops are coming home,except for 50.000 or so going to Afghanistan. We have done our part in Iraq and now it is up to them.
Does anyone else see a trend here ? In Korea we fought to the 38th parallel.and then we left. In Vietnam we declared we had helped enough and we left. In operation desert storm/desert shield,which I participated in,we got Hussein out of Kuwait and we left. Had to come back later but we left.
In my view not since WWII have we definitively won the war ! Ours troops have returned home to everything from being called names and scorned to being called heroes. After WWII the troops came home to ticker tape parades and secure in the knowledge that we won ! We had fought the good fight and won ! The president didn't just declare it was over,it was over !
Now in all fairness President Busch declared we had won seven years ago ! Remember that picture of him on the Aircraft carrier with the banner behind him ?
It is all part of a trend I see in this country. We keep trying to please all of the people all of the time even though we all know that old axiom.
Now I don't want to get all political on you so I reserve futher comment on what needs to be done and who should do it.

I suppose in all fairness I do need to point out the obvious. Not since WWII have we had a clear cut enemy. We knew we were fighting the Japanese,Germans and Italians. No doubt about it. In all the following conflicts the answer is not so clear. It is very difficult to beat someone when you don't know exactly who you are fighting.
In Korea it was supposed to be the North Koreans but we couldn't go north of the 38th paralell. Vietnam it was the vietcong ! Who were they anyway and they hid out in Cambodia and we couldn't go there. Now we are (correction were) fighting the Taliban. The greatest nation in the world and we still haven't found Bin Laden ! And who exactly is the Taliban. Changes a lot if you watch the news.
And,Oh,they are hiding in Afganistan. Apparently we can go there after them this time. I really don't pay too close attention to all the details because it has a tendency to p*^& me off.

Just read this morning that the Army is having a problem with unfit recruits. Apparently the new recruits are overweight and out of shape. The Army has decided to cut back on pushups and running/hiking to get them into shape. The Army has decided we will do a Pilates like exercise regimen.   Maybe that will win the next conflict ! 

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